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Constance Fane Roberts
Place of birth: Llandre
Service: Army Remount Service: Gwasanaeth Ail-farchogaeth y Fyddin
Death: 1917-10-09, Motor accident/Damwain car
Memorial: Grave, Llandre, Cardiganshire
Notes: aged 22, died together with her fiance Captain Brereton Ockleston Rigby
Reference: WaW0018
Margaret Dorothy Roberts
Place of birth: Dolgellau
Service: Staff Nurse, QAIMNS Reserve / Wrth gefn, 29/09/1915 - 31/12/1917
Death: 1917-12-31, SS Osmanieh, Drowning
Memorial: Cathedral Nurse, Llanelwy, Flintshire
Notes: aged 47. SS Osmanieh was sunk by a German mine off Alexandria, Egypt. Grave in Hadra War Memorial Cemetery, Alexandria, Egypt. Born in the Workhouse in Dolgellau, she spent many years in Australia before returning to Britain to join the QAIMNS Reserves.
Reference: WaW0051

Nurse Margaret Dorothy Robert's name on the Nurses' Memorial, St Asaph
Margaret Dorothy Robert's name on the Nurses' Memorial, St Asaph
Flossie Hamer Lewis
Place of birth: St Asaph
Service: Nurse, VAD
Death: 1917/03/22, St Asaph, ‘strain and overwork’ / ’straen a gorweithio’
Notes: Flossie Hamer Lewis worked at the Red Cross Hospital, Rhyl, from its opening. Her father was the St Asaph diocesan inspector of schools.
Reference: WaW0207

Flossie Hamer Lewis
Photograph of Flossie Hamer Lewis, part of the collection ‘Deaths: Nurses Deaths 1919-1920’ at the Imperial War Museum

Letter from Flossie’s father, the Rev J Hamer Lewis to the secretary of the Women Collections, Imperial War Museum, June 29th 1918

Letter (r)
Letter from Flossie’s father, the Rev J Hamer Lewis to the secretary of the Women Collections, Imperial War Museum, June 29th 1918 (reverse).
Gladys Maud Jones
Place of birth: Cambridge
Service: Nurse, VAD
Death: 1917/08/21, Salonika, Malaria
Notes: Gladys Maud Jones’s name appears on the Welsh book of Remembrance, and her photograph is in the Imperial War Museum’s collection. Unfortunately, despite her name, she appears to have no connection with Wales. Both her parents were from Lincolnshire.
Reference: WaW0213
G(w)ladys Sails
Place of birth: Swansea
Service: Nurse, VAD
Death: 1917/12/15, Mumbles, meningitis
Notes: Gladys (or Gwladys, both spellings occur) worked as a VAD at Danycoed Red Cross Hospital, Swansea, where she contracted the illness that became meningitis. She was 28 when she died, and was well-known in Swansea for swimming in the ladies’ water polo team.
Reference: WaW0287

Newspaper report
Report of names, including Gladys’s, for Swansea Ladies’ Water Polo Team. Evening Express 12th October 1907.
Lily Maud Leaver
Place of birth: Aberdare
Service: Munitions worker, Not known / anhysbys
Death: 1917/12/28, TNT poisoning / Gwenwyni gan TNT
Notes: Little is known of Lily Leaver, who was born in 1896. Her parents later lived at Abertridwr in Glamorganshire.
Reference: WaW0325

Lily Maud Leaver
Lily’s photograph was collected by the Women’s Subcommittee of the Imperial War Museum as part of its collection of women who died during the War.
Florence Missouri Caton
Place of birth: ‘at sea’ off Cuba
Service: Nurse, SWH, September 1915 – July 1917 /
Death: 1917/7/15, Salonika, Appendicitis / Llid y pendics
Notes: Florence Missouri Caton was born on board ship (possibly the source of her middle name, though no evidence has yet been found) in about 1876, to parents from Wrexham. A trained nurse, she worked in Lancashire before joining the Scottish Women’s Hospitals in 1915. She had two periods of work in the Balkans. Shortly after her arrival in 1915 her unit was captured by the Austrians, and released in December. In August she returned to Serbia, working in various hospitals and dressing stations until she died of appendicitis in July 1917. She is buried In Lembet Road Military Cemetery, Salonika.
Reference: WaW0212

Newspaper report
Report of death of Florence Caton, Y Brython, 30 August 1917. Translation: ‘Laying the nurse to rest. In faraway Serbia the remains of Nurse Caton of Wrexham were laid to rest. She had endeared herself to the wretched people of that country through her untiring labour of love in their midst. There is talk of erecting a white marble cross on her small grave.’
Mildred Owen
Service: Munitions Worker
Death: 1917:07:31 , NEF Pembrey, Explosion / Ffyrwydriad
Memorial: Cenotaph, Swansea, Glamorgan
Notes: aged 18. Died at the same time as Dorothy Mary Watson.
Sources: Funeral / angladd South Wales Daily Post 11 August / Awst 1917; Inquest / Cwest The Carmarthen Journal and South Wales Weekly Advertiser 24th August / Awst1917
Reference: WaW0039
Dorothy Mary Watson
Service: Munitions Worker
Death: 1917:07:31 , NEF Pembrey, Explosion / Ffyrwydrad
Memorial: Cenotaph, Swansea, Glamorgan
Notes: aged 19. Died in an 'unexplained' explosion with Mildred Owen and two male workers.
Sources: Funeral / Angladd South Wales Daily Post 11 August / Awst 1917; Inquest/Cwest The Carmarthen Journal and South Wales Weekly Advertiser 24th August / Awst 1917
Reference: WaW0062

Dorothy Mary Watson
Mary’s photograph was collected by the Women’s Subcommittee of the Imperial War Museum as part of its collection of women who died during the War.
Mary Ann Whaley
Place of birth: Cardiff ?
Service: Store hand, WFC [Womens Forage Corps]
Death: 1918, Influenza / Y Fliw
Notes: Mary Ann was a store hand in the Women’s Forage Corps, which sourced and processed feed for the Army’s horses. Over one million horses and mules were used by the British Army during the War, mostly for haulage and transport. Mary Ann was 39 when she died; her next of kin was her father Thomas Whaley of Cardiff.
Sources: Femina Patriae Defensor Paris 1934
Reference: WaW0221
![Nominal Roll Mary Ann’s name on Nominal Roll of Officials and Member[s] who have died while serving in the W.F.C](lluniau/http19141918.invisionzone.comforumsindex.phptopic62356womensforagecorps_bawd.jpg)
Nominal Roll
Mary Ann’s name on Nominal Roll of Officials and Member[s] who have died while serving in the W.F.C